European Coalition Against Covert Harassment


About Us


eu 9Article 1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU (2000) states that “Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected”. In a highly information and communications technology-based world, this fundamental human right and basic ethical principle is facing an increasing threat. The European Coalition against Covert Harassment (EUCACH) is a not-for-profit organisation committed to raising awareness to the problem of non-consensual experimentation using remote influencing technologies and techniques on the human mind and body. We propose clear ethical boundaries to regulate their use.



The European Coalition against Covert Harassment is committed to raising awareness to the legal systems as well as to the medical and scientific community to the crime of illegal biomedical and weaponry research committed on citizens in the European Union and beyond. As a European network, EUCACH acts as a lobbying and advocacy platform towards the EU. Using our international network of scientific and technology experts, partner civil and human rights organisations as well as important stakeholders in civil society, we provide consultancy services to the EU Institutions based on our expertise. EUCACH’s organisational goal is to influence EU legislation and the decision-making process in calling for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable any form of manipulation of human beings.


  • Awareness-raising campaigns to disseminate information and mobilise public opinion on the issue of covert technologies and techniques that enable the manipulation of human beings

  • Providing expert consultancy to key decision-makers on the creation of appropriate EU legislation to protect citizens from this kind of covert crimes.

  • Organising networking events (workshops, seminars, conferences) involving all actors concerned to exchange experiences and best practices for the establishment of clear ethical boundaries to strictly regulate the use of systems enabling the manipulation and control of human beings.

It is our philosophy that all men are equal before the law. Everybody’s right to life shall be protected. Nobody shall be subjected to torture or held in slavery. Any technologies and techniques capable of endangering the human physical and/or psychological health, to modify the individuals’ autonomy and affect their dignity should be strictly prohibited.

Read more about ICT – implants at the European Group on Ethics and New Technologies:

Terminology used in the document:
Cybernetic technology, technology communicating with or substituting brain function,
Bioelectronics: electronic technology connected with nerves

120 comments on “About Us

  1. tod evans
    August 6, 2015

    I am from america I have an illeagle v to k telepathy chip implant done by sac county sheriff ca and fired lapd ken bo stevinson latimes97 story steve mathew eustis is the sac county sheriff involved they also false arrested me and attacked 67 year old veteran ken sturtevant my room mate who I look out for for there using drones×3 laser I want people to know they say my cancer is already in effect its gone on for a year I’ve lost 30lbs and feel very weak should I perish I want people to know GOD bless

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lisa Tyree
      August 21, 2015

      There’s already a Cancer cure that the Illuminati have known about for ages & probably use it on themselves.
      (The Illuminati are chief for us MCVs/TIs, because they’re the ultimate. BTW, they DO use satellite technology for mind control. Someone here said they didn’t. It all depends on who you are & what they want to do with you/want with you.)
      Anyway…go to the website below & ask to be put on the prayer list.
      Every emailer that goes out that’s the standard one of them all says to pray for all of us out there.
      I’ve noticed prayer makes my life work like a charm on a day-to-day basis in general, outside of MC, of course, so that really helps combat that hugely-extensive negative.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Gustav Andersson
    August 12, 2015

    I would like to get in contact with Swedish and Brazilian victims of Direct Energy Weapons to discuss problem-solving.


    • Per Jakobsson
      August 2, 2016

      Hi am frome Sweden. I am exposed to this radiation and mind control. I have more or less been tortured in Sweden for more than 7 years now. Pleas contact me if you want to.


    • Haakon
      September 10, 2016

      Norwegian mind control victim wants to get in touch with you.


  3. Ann Farr
    August 24, 2015

    I have been a TI for around 10 years. I am being raped with Directed Energy almost 24/7.
    Thank You for any information you can give me to stop this awful Crime!
    I am from US/Auburn, AL

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lisa Tyree
      August 29, 2015

      There are forums @ the website URL below that talk about shielding yourself from the mind control means. It might be what you need.
      *Note: I’ve heard it said that you need to talk to a TI with former experience with using a shield(s) because some are expencsive & they don’t even work, while others are the opposite.
      Good luck!
      Take care now. :-)))


  4. Ramakant Samal
    August 25, 2015

    Hi I’m Ramakant from India. I’ve being getting tracked using some kind of thru wall imaging insible laser technology since years. As far as I can recall is April 2005, since when it’s happening. These enemies of mine have multiple thru wall imaging invisble laser imaging systems using which they do imaging inside my flesh, outside my body and in my surroundings. In Aug 15 (Indian Independence Day) morning at 1:30 am – 2:30 am I became a telepath and started hearing telepathy messages from my surroundings (Kolkata, India) due to that imaging technology. They were scanning my brain and were broadcasting my internal flesh and barin videos live to their clients who watch the thru wall imaging videos live. The thru wall imaging invisible laser based tehcnology which they use has surely video output ports and audio output ports to connect to a computer and broadcast the live thru the wall scanned broadcast. I’ve tracked to more than 1900 kms in train, flight, cars journeys till date. they are able to track me down to such long distances using their technology. I’ve got one-five swelling areas in my body when I was getting tracked to such long distances and my brain tissues using to feel like burning and even I used to feel dizziness sometimes. I would rather say I never gave any invitation to such Gangs about my location details nor that I’ve any enemity with them still they have kept me targeted by their lasers and I’m getting harassed dude to them in my living flesh body. I’ve come to know that they are using around 3-5 such imaging systems on me. I’ve grown and upgraded my will power to have resistance in my body towards pain, itches, flesh burn, flesh getting vibrated by lasers, brain tortures ( brain tissues burning and paining , headaches,dizziness,etc). These gangs have scanned me by lasers and have kept 5-6 similar looking dudes like me or I can say my duplicates at least. They have done plastic surgeries on those 5-6 dudes and they now look nearly exactly or similar to me in looks. I was asleep in those 2 nights in Bangalore, India where I stay (IT HUB OF INDIA). These gangs some two people came inside my flat. It’s 1 BHK flat. I was sleeping. There was by elder Bro and my servant sleeping in the next room. They somehow came inside and forced my Bro and servant. They were carrying arms with them. A girl of about 5 feet height also came with them. They gave me some unconscious drug and started raping me. The dude and the girl who came in started doing handjob on my dick and took out my sperms and took in in a plastic, covered it and left. It happened the other consecutive night also. I didn’t knew about it anything.I come to know about it from my servant.It happened in Oct-Nov 2008. Now it’s 2015 August 25’th and still they have targeted me by lasers. The lasers are roaming around in my room and outside also scanning and broadcasting the videos to their clients. I’m a software engineer and I go to my office, Convergys in Bangalore (I’m saying these because they have my uploaded medias also with them now, they have my social networking profiles data and photos with them already so i don’t fear them anymore.Here’s the link to my facebook profile: if anyone who wants to more about them can contact me here in facebook .). They don’t care where they point lasers and do thru wall imaging and sell and earn black money and carry out thru wall laser terrorism anywhere. Multiple billions Dollar companies are around my house. They scan it thru walls and sell the videos and earn money by pointing lasers thru walls. I wanted to say so many things , But, i can’t say everything at one shot. If anyone is getting tracked and harrassed by any thru wall/thru opaque objects invisble laser imaging system , you can conatact me for further assistance. Thank You everyone ! Enjoy your life !

    Liked by 3 people

    • Lisa Tyree
      August 29, 2015

      If you navigate this 3-pg. website for TIs you will find MC education, petition, what countries are a part of the international mind control victim-activist political movement & can sign up for your chance to get an international emailer that gives you the opportunity to send to the right people your petition that deals with the specifics of your mind control case.
      Also can take surveys to see how you do next to other TIs.


    • Lisa Tyree
      September 2, 2015

      Wow, with all of this reading in the MC world of TIs speaking out on their specific experiences I’ve found a couple of things to be true: (a.) more people in more countries are going through more applications of mind control (b.) TIs’ suffering & humiliation level is just going thru the roof.
      This leads me to believe that the greatest modern day evil ever perpetrated upon a victim is mind control.
      Thank God we are more than able to cope with it due to all the emotional support we get from Christians & other TIs, the MC detection meters & shielding, or the older, alternate MC deprogramming, meetings w/politicians that go well, conference calls to discuss issues of TIs in need, & national/international activism in petitions signed, circulated & delivered.
      It’s gotten us banning MC in 3 USA states & outlawing it in Bulgaria. Now China wants to criminalize it. (My idea!)
      So, yes, it looks bleak, but there’s a great deal of hope.
      With all TI victim-activists keeping on putting the pressure on w/everybody who can do anything world-wide via not just petitions, but case histories in volumes, if the rest of you join our ranks we will succeed in stamping this awful thing out — before all human beings are in our shoes, come the NWO.


  5. Sophie Paulin
    September 17, 2015


    Being bruised from orchestrated rape.
    Energies redirected in legs
    Any one else going through same ordeal.


    • Lisa Tyree
      September 19, 2015

      No, I can’t say that I have, but I do wake up to find scratches & bruises on my body in non-sexual parts.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Janette Winstone
      July 7, 2016

      Hi there

      Yes I have been through the same as yourself. Medical checks have been ignored I have had examinations about internal bruising from orchestrated rape they the medical staff are warned not to proceed further.


      • Ann Farr
        July 7, 2016

        My Electronic Rape is a vibration, and also a pulse sometimes almost 24/7. It’s a living nightmare, I can’t wake up from.


  6. Sophie Paulin
    September 23, 2015

    Please release all the info to MI 6
    I wrote to you in 2013
    Please do it immediately
    My life is in danger


    • Lisa Tyree
      September 25, 2015

      The rest of us can only pray for you, dear. (At FFCHS they are reminded to do that regularly.)
      I hope she’ll do as you asked her.
      Good luck! :-)))


  7. Justine
    June 12, 2016

    It anyone is reading this, hello!

    Why has everything stopped? No one is posting, no one is commenting, nothing is happening to help make people aware of what is going on all over the world. Why?

    We have to make these terms known (because if something hasn’t a name – it ‘doesn’t exist’).

    Liked by 1 person

    • sidawayj
      July 6, 2016

      I have been posting but maybe Magnus is being overwhelmed with Touch-less Torture and hasn’t popped in for a while…
      Be strong everyone… (not the trolls and AI;)


      • Ann Farr
        July 6, 2016

        Yes, it’s an awful feeling not to have anyone to talk to about this Horrendous Crime. I am 66 years old woman from US/Auburn, AL., who is being Raped with Directed Energy or Electromagnetic Frequencies. I know of 3 States in the U.S. that have Laws against using this Technology on someone. I live in Alabama/US, but we do not have any Laws against this Technology. If we did, we could at least go to the Police. Does anyone know of any shielding for Electronic Rape?
        Thank you!


  8. Stephen O Neill
    July 21, 2016

    I am a victim from Ireland , it has gotten progressively worse over the passed ten years and I am now being tortured with directed energy weapons throughout the day , everyday. If you are an Irish victim my email is


    • Ali MEZGANI
      July 21, 2016

      Hello Stephen,

      I’m a victim of nano chips implant, known by nanotechnology where the attackers cut my nerves and veins for fun. I’m victim of a chinese a criminel network.


  9. Eseza
    July 21, 2016

    Am in London(Brixton Hill) Leander road and am being electronically harassed 24/7! Physical burning started with both my ears and top of my head. Whatever shielding I do works temporarily and is overridden. Tried earplugs, earmuffs, rubber, my arms, palms, fruits etc nothing works for more than a few hours.
    Am deprived of sleep! Worst of all, no one believes me. Am basically alone.
    First it was audible and I recorded it a few times but since June it’s silent with stronger burns and needle like pricks.
    These past 3 days it’s gotten worst that my HEART and stomach are being targeted and the pain is excruciating!

    First doctor recommended sleeping pills but I would wake up in pain; and now when I try a little sleep, my HEART is shocked and I wake up after a few minutes. It’s happening as I write this.

    Does anyone know of any help before am shocked to death?


  10. Randell Frederick
    August 7, 2016

    It’s happening to me in London! Who can I speak with regarding this? My phone number is +44‭7904 668648‬


  11. Xav
    August 10, 2016

    Je m’appel Xavier Courty, je suis victime d’onde électromagnétique, je m’en suis rendu compte il y a environ 3 ans, mais j’en suis victime depuis 13 ans, peut être plus. Je suis torturé mentalement et physiquement par onde électromagnétique comme s’est expliqué en détails sur les différents articles sur internet, ils suffit de taper “victime ondes électromagnétique” pour s’informer sur ce phénomène. Je suis allé voir la police pour porter plainte, ils m’ont dit que j’étais fou, je suis allé voir des avocats, ils m’ont dit que j’étais victime de “sorcellerie”(sic), je suis monté jusqu’à Paris pour demander de l’aide à des ONG des droits de l’homme, ils m’ont répondu : “vous n’êtes pas beaucoup dans ce cas donc ça va…”(!!!)
    J’habite à Aubagne, place Joseph Rau, et les voisins ainsi que les restaurants qui sont sur la place participent à ce harcèlement, appelé “gang-stalking”. Cela fait 10 ans que j’essaye de construire ma vie, j’ai 30 ans, mais ces criminels vous en empêchent, avec les ondes électromagnétique, ils changent votre personnalité, vous entraînent dans la dépression, vous coupe de tous vos proches et amis. Ce sont des psychopathes, ils occupent les appartements en dessous et à côté du mien. Ils les occupent 24h/24, 7j/7 pour vous torturé, constamment, avec les ondes qui provoquent des douleurs atroces partout sur le corps. Ils provoquent même l’érection de mon sexe et même pire, ça paraît fou c’est pourtant la réalité.
    En ce qui me concerne, ma famille est impliqué, ma propre mère m’à conduit à l’hôpital sans chercher à savoir ce qu’il se passait. Tout s’est déclenché avec le voisin du dessous, un certain Thomas chauderon qui faisait du bruit et crier pour me déranger, je suis allé le voir plusieurs fois pour lui dire d’arrêter, comme c’est le cas pour beaucoup de gens qui vivent la même chose que moi. C’est à ce moment là que tout s’est déclenché, j’ai commencé à entendre ces voix envoyer par ondes en direction de mon cerveau. Ces personnes connaissent toute ma vie, depuis mon enfance, ils insultent et torturent 24h/24, 7j/7, ce sont des malades. La police participent à ce harcèlement, l’hôpital, les voisins, les restaurants en bas de chez moi, les bureaux de tabac et les super marché où je me rend pour faire mes courses. Tous sans exception me disent à chaque fois lorsque j’ai payé et m’apprête à partir : “bonne soirée”, jamais “au revoir” ou “bonsoir”, toujours “bonne soiree”, comme par hasard c’est le soir et la nuit que je suis torturé le plus, vu qu’ils m’obligent à vivre la nuit, il m’est impossible d’avoir un rythme de vie normale car ils m’empêchent de dormir avec toutes sorte de torture. C’est une torture constante qui n’a qu’un but: le suicide. Ils torturent mes parties génitales jours et nuits tout en proférant des insultes ignoble. Ils me font sans doute passer pour quelqu’un de dangereux auprès des gens car toutes sortes de personne participent à mon harcèlement, du plus jeune au plus ancien. J’ai eu un accident de scooter lorsque j’avais 17 ans, c’est peut être à ce moment qu’ils m’ont injecté une puce où je ne sais quoi dans le corps. C’est à partir de cette période que ma façon de penser à changer, j’étais joyeux, aimable et très sociable. Après cet accident et surtout cette hospitalisation, j’ai commencé me renfermé sur moi même, je n’avais plus envie de sortir et je parlais beaucoup moins qu’avant. Mes amis ont commencé à s’éloigner de moi, petit à petit. Lorsque j’avais 20 ans, mon père est décédé d’une rupture d’anévrisme, les ondes électromagnétique provoque cela, comme les crises cardiaques. Mon père n’aurait jamais accepté qu’on me fasse ça, et il est mort à 59ans, bizarre. Ils m’ont esseulé de tous mes proches et amis petit à petit, jusqu’au moment où ils pourraient me torturé, étant couper de tout le monde. Je ne peut pas vivre, ils vous privent de tout, absolument tout. Ils sabotent même mon telephone, ma télé, les jeux vidéo, je ne peut rien faire en plus d’être torturé. J’ai essayé d’expliquer ce qu’ils m’arrivent à ma mère, mon frère et ma sœur, ils ne veulent rien savoir, je voudrait leur montrer les articles sur internet pour qu’ils comprennent, mais ils ne veulent même pas regarder, bizarre. Ils m’ont dit qu’ils m’aimait mais ils ne m’adresse plus la parole, ils ne me contacte plus depuis des mois, alors que pour eux je suis malade, bizarre comme preuve d’amour…
    Je précise que c’est la 3ème fois en 2 jours que je réécris ce message, ils s’amusent à l’effacer…
    Ces criminels me font apparaître toutes sortes de rougeurs, de boutons sur le corps, ils m’ont fait apparaître une énorme tâche sur le front, comme une tâche de naissance sauf que s’en est pas une! Ils veulent me defigurer, tout simplement. J’ai tout essayé pour qu’on m’aide, on m’a jeté de partout, la seule chose que je puisse faire, c’est raconter ce qu’il m’arrive, comme tous ceux qui vivent ça. Ils vous pousse à bout et vous font prononcer des paroles que vous ne penser même pas, ils s’adressent à votre subconscient, vous n’entendez pas ce qu’ils disent et vous avez l’impression de penser alors que pas du tout, ce sont eux qui vous force à penser, j’ai cru comprendre qu’on appelait ça “les voix silencieuses”. Cette torture mentale et physique est indécelable, indétectable, puisqu’ils se servent d’ondes, très pratique pour vous faire passer pour un fou. Je voulais également préciser une chose, ils parlent sans cesse de sexe, de toute nature, tel des gros pervers sexuels, d’une vulgarité sans nom, ils font des références au satanisme, à lucifer, ils insultent toutes les religions, particulièrement Jésus Christ, ils ont l’air de vénérer le diable, aussi incroyable que cela puisse paraître. J’espère qu’un jour on pourra démasquer ces criminels en bande organisés, protéger par les plus hautes sphères…


  12. targetsunited
    August 15, 2016

    I have been a targeted individual for a year since I moved into a new apartment. I live in Cheshire in the UK and I believe my neighbours have put me into this evil program for revenge purposes, this is really happening. I get remote neural monitoring and voice2skull technology aswell as mood management I cannot enjoy myself anymore or my train of thought is erased, luckily they havent managed to get me locked in a mental ward or anything but they really want it to happen. If someone had told me it was possible to put voices in ones head and see them through walls and electronically make someone miserable I would’ve told them to see a shrink. But unfortunately it is happening everywhere..I can no longer enjoy life or have any privacy to think, or bathe, they give me nightmares about being killed or being controlled like a puppet. Its not just Government they don’t seem to get that this technology can be bought on the black market any criminal can aquire this and they will use it on you until you die. Its like being in prison in your own mind, and most of the time it leaves no marks no traces. They are making their jollys off this and dont forget the pay, one day all of us will be controlled against our will and targeted individuals are just the guinea pigs to test this evil sick twisted plan the guys in charge have for us. Also I have tried to contact EUCACH and various other targeted individual organization’s Facebook profiles, human activists, government, free press etc and not had a single reply. This worrys me, what is being done about this? whistle blowers are being killed or arrested for trying to warn us all and nothing else seems to be happening. wheres the hand of justice now?


    • Monica
      September 6, 2016


      Living ion the UK too. Being harassed 24/7…

      I tried to contact government organizations too, no reply as in your case. I have the impression these harrasers control your channels of communication with the outside world (e-mails, text messages, phone calls, etc). I believe they manage somehow to steal my post.

      Good luck


    • Monica
      September 6, 2016

      ….I wonder if this could be a option for a better life: get out from the UK in find a job somewhere else where you can live your life again. I am an EU citizen and definitely I will be leaving this country for a better life.


      • legalproposal
        September 19, 2016

        I think the issue is that certain persons are not responsible for there linear behaviour like a
        Large portion of the police,the NHS and the Mafia . Which is just one big family taking responsibility with other persons and allot of the time vulnerable and dis led people are victims or a conductive bulk of helpless people with tangents. The crux of the situation is that the distinction of crimes commuted are existential (real) and include minors of the groupings identified which is a whole bulk
        of uk and EU Buisness or illegal monopoly monopoly (as in all dominant buisiness or such politics as politics so the problem is more complicated). The EU is something else .

        The reaction from EU police on the failure to succinctly identify the problem with evidence and legal persons ascribed to be not involved or better than the value of money is extraordinarily difficult but so is dissolving a country such as Canada from my point of view.

        Eu police are bullies and do anything to entertain English imbeciles such as aristicracy or messianic and fictitiously wealthy New Yorkers (Weschester ites).

        It is nice to want to be somewhere else but English people without money in the EU very often end up relying on eu politics I the EU and not only here or in our own homes with infrastructure again owned by the Mafia not excluding companies like three or BT which monstrous animate vehicles who don’t have to provide services paid for among other considerably fictitious things like the NHS smuggling drugs people and so on..


    • Monica
      February 3, 2018

      Hi targets unite. I live in the UK too. I have been harassed for many years too. As you, I have contacted Scotland Yard, British Secret Services (MI5), British Association of Private Investigatos, etc not receiving reply i have sent a letter to International Association Against Covert Harrasment in the USA. I am still being harassed with voices and sleep deprivation. I wonder when this torture is going to finish.
      I am trying to get any more help:
      This is not my country and what is happening to me it doesn’t say anything positive about it.


  13. sidawayj
    August 25, 2016

    Divide and Conquer Is What’s Happening

    Watching your entertainment movies of social destruction and dire future has two main effects.
    They act as subtle warning to the herd… the herd that heard what was coming. Why didn’t the herd change directions when they heard what was coming. Mass hypnosis is like a spell that is cast upon the minds of men. What happens is the subject plays a mental game where he pretends that reality is something else. Entertainment is used to guide the herd by shaping their mental world, their feelings and their beliefs.

    With many playing the same mental game, then the many support each other to stay within the delusion. If anyone sways out of the delusion. The army of secret society minions are honoured with the task to push the stray back into the herd. Once the stray identifies the minion flock tenders and cow punches the orders will be to kill that stray.
    Not only are the herded individuals mesmerized by the game, but the minions who are trained to tend the flock are mesmerized to go believe in the false reality is real, but different that they were chose/selected to be in direct contact with the herd and to provide the service of manipulating the strays

    The herd or flock analogy is really quite well suited to model the human civilizations. The ability of the mind to be hypnotized is bred into the human herd by culling the intellectuals before they become a problem. The Nazi Gestapo member Muller acquired a great hatred for any intellectual. Anyone smart enough to feel the manipulation were picked out first and sent to Auschwitz for culling.

    Today the cull is on again, but this time the ruling class have gone all out with the success of world control. USA and Canada and the rest of the world are dissolving individual civil rights. Countries which defy because their working class will not allow it are annihilated so the people’s strengths are broken. Fortress North America creates the war machine to destroy the last countries where people are still able to gather into stronger forces protecting their civil rights.

    This day and age is when you get to experience your unique human experience. The brain chip was designed to manipulate and control your experience and distort your perceptions. It links all minds into a collective… some think it is the beginning of the Star-Trek Borg.

    The ruling class is forging a new computer interfaced human army which will appear unstoppable. The technology will appear to be magical to the ignorant. Thought policing through the brain chip will appear to guarantee success towards ruling class great work. The ruling class individuals will no longer need to hide their identity out of fear of the mob.

    Targeted individuals likely were seen as strays from the herd and prime candidates for developing control methods against the much feared mob.

    Yours truly,
    James Ross Sidaway


    • sidawayj
      August 25, 2016

      Here is one of the rare people, Alan Watt, allowed to speak publicly about what is really going on around the world:
      He came down with a strange combination of throat bacteria and viruses this spring while I considered paying him a physical visit. A this time my brain-chip was used to insomnia me for 7 days to weaken my resistance to direct hypnotic manipulation and I ended up falling down a stair case. I never used to think evil was anything more than a human construct, until this Mafia caught me handing out cd’s exposing how Canadians were losing constitutional rights. I have had a few close calls avoiding their death traps. Nabbings and poisonings… then they brain-chipped me to make me more predictable to them. Then, another brain-chip to knock me unconscious and remote control my body. Once I started posting to expose this technology they started up with trapping me into accidents many times, But the hypnosis was almost certain death but the spirits were with me again.

      I am the furthest thing from suicidal, but the all the minions are told to portray accidents that way, so they slander and deceive the herd. So many people have sold-out their freedoms for security throughout western society. They have doomed themselves along with their children for not standing up against the secret society manipulations. The ones that do fight are culled so only the wicked remain to carry on to their disgusting world of complete slavery. I heard the saying “Those who will trade away their liberty for security deserve neither.”

      Low ranking secret society minions are already slaves, but smirk and slander the freedom fighters as if we are below them. They are lost in false enlightenment and pawns of the ruling class. But this agenda has been manipulating society for centuries is appears and we live in the exciting times to see how the herd will react to their enlightenment from slaves-under-hypnosis to willing-slaves. They will fight you if you try to break their hypnotic trance of freedom.

      What will you do? First educate yourself: Here is a good resource:



      • JAMES A. NEELY
        August 26, 2016

        GOOD LUCK!!
        JAMES A. NEELY
        8818 HIGBIE PLACE
        TAMPA FLORIDA 33635
        01-727-453-2964 TEXT ONLY PLEASE


    • milenkovic milan
      August 25, 2016

      (I wrote in MY BOOK, several days ago):

      “SEE SMT- SAY SMT”!

      FORCE to be homeless- “PRISONER” last 66 mo 14 days: “ARROGANT and STUBBORN” Obama (CIA) and his dumb, sick MARATHON strategy, allowed to sick : CIA, Pentagon, NSA… to continue Mind Control TORTURE (MCT) / DEW-HAARP abuse on me, for years (RFID microchip is still in my head)?!

      1.DIVERSON from my REAL problems (MCT), sick FBF / Bidden- WH/ Bill Gates (CIA), put my case on STAND BY, for years and tolerate to dumb, sick, stupid CLOWNS-COWARDS garbage, from USELESS DC Metro “SCHOOLS” to play stupidity SHOW around me, every day, for years: “Father-Mother/ babies- kids/ dogs” + “Overtime/ Birthday/ Graduation” stupidity = “WE are NOT in hurry to do anything”?! (CIA)!

      2.Second GOAL for USELESS DC Metro COWARDS: how to STEAL a money if I get any INSURANCE + to MAKE money on me if I SIGN CONTRACT with USSS or Pentagon + to SAVE money if I work for CIA (“You must share”???.. “SPLIT a money”…”PAY TAXES to DC/VA”)???

      CONCLUSION: IBM / INTEL/ Microsoft PROCESSORS for Mind Control TORTURE are: BIG MONEY, BIG BUSINESS, WORLD PRISON ! (Include NANO technology: from 0,4 x 0,4 mm “MU”-chips, up to 64 times smaller Hitachi Super-Tiny RFID chips (0,05 x 0,05 mm), with 128-bit ROM or so)…!

      a)(03.01.16 Forbis) “1810 billionaires , net worthy $6,5 trillion”!
      b) (06.01.2016.)”The Giving Pledge, a philanthropic initiative started by Warren Buffett and Bill and Melinda Gates, added 17 new members this year, bringing the elite group’s membership to 154 signatories from 16 countries around the world”.
      c) (Forbis, 01.23.2014.) “The wealth of the 1% richest people in the world amounts to $110 trillion. That’s 65 times the total wealth of the bottom half of the world’s population”


  14. Haris Uzdravis
    August 30, 2016

    Hello,I have these tiny invisible nano microchips .i think that these chips is in my inner ear ,because I have very high volume sounds in my head also pains in all my body,when sound is higher the pain is higher is well.its already 5years I expierencing this .in the beginning I was thinking I will day ,because it was very high pains ,they even can control other people’s mind tru your had ,in the beginning,now it’s easier buth I start to have dizziness every day


  15. legalproposal
    September 11, 2016

    EShared Email to
    Radio Telecommunications “Crimes RF Weaponry ,NHS and the Canadian Province of Ontario causing serious health damage as a covert discipline ..

    Anonymous information and photos you may keep ,dispose of ,Cross reference or keep

    on the basis of the imposition and hazard caused by the educated acts considered banned acts of Science but only possibly .
    Such as interferences locally accepted as the local society and its energies ,illegal ,legal ,moved ,removed, and so on ..
    I am only interested in contributing based the disturbing facts the Crime Agency has set out

    “In the prevention of serious Nationalistic incurrence”
    1) House with white stripe three connected (amplification air device population association and other vehicles such as linear persons)

    (Orange N American ;Canadian lead or objects cross reference possible Essex Police in three house with Vancouver occult symbolism with Ontario)
    Arcade photo so called persons called vehicles

    or establishment definite vehicle on with momentum or so called substance*.
    2) Back area away from sadds yard covert psychology Elora ,Ontario person possibly with AIDS employed by N Essex subordinate and self legislated Yugoslavia anti compliant body

    (Social and mental hygiene oriented w blue vehicle..Extortionist ,educating )
    3) Funeral chapel perhaps Insignificant Canadian enterprise of Britain .

    Area across Skelmersdale (Beaconsfield RD CO15 Clacton On The Sea Essex )
    Hot area for hijacking ,hacking and mental hygiene. (Clacton on the Sea.. with distinctions on Westchester NY Occultism ..refer to Interpole on occult really redundant a constant enough to equate to; (Beaconsfield with Portage 80s Occult colonists ..Beaconsfield Quebec Canada (commemorative Canadian place). Obedient distinct energies or Social hygiene purposes (Social Darwinism)
    Local associated to Prague 10,6 and 1 and Border to Netherlands (Harwich Ferry Terminal another Canadian Commemerative place)
    cybercrime,hacking and social hygiene ..
    on so called extant (obedient energies referring to practitioner(s) attracting obedient energies as so called protein distinctions (so called redundant constants therefore called tangeables ).
    Anonymous photos of N Essex Clacton on the Sea not excluding employees of the NHS ,rail and police.
    I have had concerns of cybercrime for some time which I know is largely related to other Radio Frequency crimes largely much like the Internet are Canadian or really stemming from acts of destruction of culture,religion and identity of a country organisation or individual.
    In a high tech age and technology exausted world I believe ,in support of the European Coalition Against Covert Harrasement that there must be strict boundaries on the use of any radio equipment whether effecting human beings, hardware or electrical appliances within the home and from outside

    Of any premise. Persons hacking ,using lasers or non lethal evasive manipulation softwares (Directed energy devices) are entering a person’s ,home ,place of business and committing other offences which may include mental or social hygiene associated to the very fundamental purposes of evasive RF crimes not excluding hacking ,or hijacking which also means governing or owning and enforcing there rights by education and other means of psychological warfare within most of our communities.
    I am attaching area photos where I live not excluding the possibility of delinquent police engaging in this occultism in there spare time destroying moral within the police,complaints bodies and the ipcc.

    Please note that I am contributing to the purposes of the National Crime agency and not reporting a crime whereby there are no other parties to the complaint but I do stipulate that

    this area of Essex is very low in ethics morale

    ,high police corruption and participation in acts the crime agency is trying to educate are criminal and therefore wrong.
    An educated person would have difficulty understanding the occult element as a form of polarity unless they were versed in just what that means not excluding secular police with jurisdictions of missing persons which again, the Canadian Province of Ontario has a high rate of ,

    which particularly refers to communities of Toronto Yonge street, Elora and Guelph Ontario

    ,which will likely continue to pose distinct threats for survival through employment or association with police and subordinate (self legislated) or other legislated authority with criminally advanced RF projects (abandoned and imposed science). This does include Pinkerton Security Agencies.
    Anonymous contributor

    Sent from Mail.Ru app for iOS
    Sent from Mail.Ru app for iOS


  16. nguyen
    September 14, 2016

    cela fait depuis 1995 que je suis verrouillle a un faisceau de frequence je ne sais plus si je suis en vie ou mort car ces ordures me torture vingt quatre sur vingt quatre mes derniers souvenir encore a moi date de 1995 ensuite je ne pense plus que par des chose comme aller manger ou faire mes besoins enfin s’ils me laissent faire je ne vis que de nuit c’est a croire que ces pedophiles car ils aiment bien jouer avec les enfants a des jeux sexuelle pour ma part j’ai ete un de ces enfant la et pourquoi maintenant je connais ce funeste destin les torture sont trop longue a me rappelais et trop nombreuse je ne parle meme pas des psychiatre qui ont detruit ma vie car pour eux je suis schyzophrene toute ces annees perdu dans les etablissement psychiatrique m’on donner une idee toute simple que pour en finir avec ces ordures il ne me reste plus que le suicide mais avant de mourrir ke voudrais faire savoir que ces criminels pensent avec leurs queue et non avec leurs tetes et qu’ils ont etaient extreement pedopphile que ce soit pour l’ancienne equipe comme pour la nouvelle equipe et malgres ma souffrance je suis en quelque sorte soulages d’avoir a faire a des demeures psychopathe en mal d’enfants je ne vous dirais pas le nombre d’enfants abuse par ces petite merdes et le nombre de mort car j’ai remarque lorsque leurs jeux derappent ils tuent pour effacer toute preuve je me dois de signaler que la poice conaissent parfaitement ces ordures mais elle les protegent ils sont de meches j’ai tentes de porter plainte a plusiuers reprise mais mes plainte ont tous etais rejete j’ai meme ecris a la cour europeenne des droit de l’homme qui n’a que faire de ma souffrance induit par ces ordures si quelqu’un connait une solution merci de me la faire parvenir avant qu’ils ne soit trop tard


    • legalproposal
      November 4, 2016

      Je mexcuse , j’vavais pas un Bon command du langue Francais.

      Je suis un home qui habitue en
      La raume unis .

      Pour un un simple explanation ou dad ou advisons , existe let motive scientific come last societe ou personne qui praticant sur la societe . Etre pas trop
      Claire met cette personne etre pas nevessairement gay mais c’est pas extraordinaire comme un petit home qui resemble le vieux juiff factor Fraud qui etre par example petit qui travaille Alec’s un choirs ils etre confident est insisted etre normal pour cause chose comme ca en exterior d’un premise femme ou petetre ils travail ou etre voice etrangement sue les patios ou autre apparition comme les energy ou metier qui cause . Certainment etre criminal mais letat du France a considerer le sujet du cette apparition
      Terrorism comme seulment un apparition que direct energy ou frequency radio en sujet du manipulation human ils travailler comme un covert person ou autre comme un criminal covert program avec au un responsibility . Les gouvernments peut mainter cette program en nome du militaries covert programme avec les criminal ou autre professional comme les major centre des hospitalier du France et c’est honey meant Keyes qui avec les sorts du narrots . Cette un grand chose de la distinction consensus cause les increment . Si boys coir le equipment ou personne fair certain boys meme etre avec la necessaries evidence est l’information gratuit du program pour check si les policies ou autre avec confisque queleque FRequency Radio equipment qui peut injure ou effect autre human ou autre.

      Alex Dobre


  17. milenkovic milan
    September 19, 2016

    SUBJECT: MY Mind Control TORTURE Experiment in USA-HELL and Secret USA Weapons for Mass Destruction: DEW-HAARP (to BURN me ALIVE)! Facts:

    *US Government (CIA, Pentagon, NSA…) used me as guinea pig for their Mind Control TORTURE program (MCT) for years, during Bush (CIA) and Obama (CIA) Administration :
    *When I sent my letters about MCT in USA-HELL, with facts to Pr. Obama in 2010, I was waiting for FBI/ DHS on my door, but first US Gov. put me in jail at the end od September 2009, (money debt / alamony to my ex-wife, app $2-3,000)??? and PREVENTED me to leave USA on 09.30.2009. (I already had airplane tickets in my pocket). I’ve got a CLEAR message inside of Alexandria, VA , jail 22314 (CIA- 09.30.09.): “ If you leave a Country, we will take your Passport and never again you can come back in USA”?!…
    *Then jail agan, same reson (alimony debt): USA Gov. LOCKED MY PASSPORTS??? NO JOB in USA since 01,01.2009. until today!
    *On 06.22.2010. I finish in PRISON for 232 days, (same-alimony/ money debt to my ex-wife, app $12-13,000) , then SICK Obama Adm. FORCE me to ROT as homeless –“PRISONER” since 02.09.2011, dealing every day with stupid CIA and US Gov. under covered garbage , from USELESS DC Metro “SCHOOLS”?!
    *Because of stress and MCT, I had heart attack, stroke, two back surgery L4-L5 ( last one with screw and rods) …
    *RFID microchip in my head since 12.18.2007. at Inova Fairfax Hospital and who knows how much NANO microchips in my brain ( I have today) ???
    *US Gov. DEW-HAARP , FOUR times:01.12.2012. in Old Town Alexandria 22314; and THREE times in Reston, VA 20190 ( they BURN me ALIVE) : October /November 2013; 01.06.14. and 01.10.2016.
    *I have reason to believe that my mother was KILLED as a part of MY harassment/surveillance ISOLATION phase 1, USA Gov. program;

    -“One thing is certain: it’s about making money, BIG money”…


    • legalproposal
      September 25, 2016

      British Telecom ;Dr.Chris Winter (play on hijacking,cyberterrorism possibly)
      Bt motives possible listed at 1600.00£ ..
      1) BT Martlesham Heath laboratories

      “The Soul Catcher”

      Enhancement of communication beyond all concept..

      (A) Man does not have the right to develope his own mind (proof ?)

      (B) Internal sound perception for disorienting or disrupting behaviour patterns (I) Interrogations
      (II) Electronic alteration of blood brain barrier permitting “NEUROTOXINS” into the blood to reach the brain ,resulting in severe neurological symptoms; and induction (iatrogenic disease model) by use of signal modulation (community and its energies) at very low power densities.

      (C) Microwave ELF and other forms of EMR reference :

      (D) 1974 Effects of Electromagnetic radiation (Dr.Allen Frey) had potential for applications as offensive weapons ..
      Army report included:

      Internal sound perception for disorienting or disrupting behaviour

      Induction of neuropathic symptoms ; and inductions of voices inside the brain ,resulting alteration of the blood brain barrier permitting neurroxins inside the blood to reach the brain ,resulting in severe neurological symptoms by use of signal modulation at very low power densities..
      Three year BT and Three Contracts over 3200.00£ benefitting mostly others individuality as hackers ,interests groups,the Czech Republic,Austria,Germany ,France ,Belgium and Netherlands but Netherlands included EHIC costs of over three thousand euros possibly..

      Rights of So called missing Canadian or French nationals not excluding Italian cicilian N American concepts or Delgado 1995..(purposed purposes of Soviet and modern era italy..)


  18. lovepeacebewithu
    September 26, 2016

    Hello my name is Sarah Mitchell my husband and I are also targeted individuals, we are being attacked by directed energy weapons scalar wave attacks, remote neural monitoring, and V2K, the situation began when we discovered we were being exposed to smart meter radiation, and a transponder on our utility pole that was making us very sick, we requested these be removed, when Ameren Missouri refused we contacted the Utility commission, the utility commission engineer contacted Ameren by email, and said we had filed a informal complaint, Ameren sent a small booklet about RF EMF transmissions, and left it at that, the Utility commission said that it was up to Ameren, I kept calling Ameren and demanding to these devices removed, after a month of calling they said if I pay them 522.00 they would remove them, I agreed, it took almost 45 days before they would do it, but it would not end there, Ameren then began sending Drones, Satellites, and had the US Government Military add me to the Program, I got some inside information that backed this up, we have been being attacked ever since, by these devices, we have built a Faraday Cage to minimize the attacks, and use far in fared material, its a battle every night. Never did I ever think that a US President would give permission to Corporations to target citizens.


  19. sidawayj
    April 17, 2017

    My informational facebook webpage called “ComputerBrainInterface” has just been wiped away from private access. There was alot of good links there, but as expected, it was just a medium designed to restrain and contain and likely to condemn the creator…

    Well my story is all over Magnus’ sites but I’m creating a new “” I started out as a truther in 2002 exposing how Canada was slowly being transformed away from the people and given to international corporations. NAFTA was design to give corporations funds and resources. 2016 saw the last of Canada’s 1000TONs of reserve gold sold off somewhere… the politicians seemed proud at how docile the owner were… like they didn’t care… “take it, see if we care!”

    The two brain chips in my skull have been used in many ways in the many stages of subversion a TI goes through. First is always to monitor and fine tune the software model. At the same time nano-energy-weapons are integrated during a surface probing of the largest organ of the body, the skin. Next, the visual data from the interface is transmitted to central command for correlation and visual input controls. I can’t say if the visual brain data is bothered with at this stage if ever. Just the visual inputs from central command are dealt with.
    While in a semi-concious state the controller will input a signal into the Manchurian candidates visual centre where dream images exist for example. For example, a monster will point to a matrix of colours and shapes with words upon them and point a stick at one. Instantly I read the word and the controller was happy saying “we are done here” then turn off the camera image in your head of the screen.
    If you are a visualizer and can create your own mind images, the monsters don’t like that kind of stuff and will use the interface to interfere with your conscious control over the mind’s eye.

    Remember, the brain has no firewall against this nano interface technology… This zombie chip has kept me awake for 7 days straight with the Toronto monsters in control… I thought the Edmonton monsters were heartless, ha! Then, these monsters will use the interface to hypnotize the exhausted brain as deeply as they can and trick your reasoning into falling down a steel staircase a couple of times if possible.

    Physically they are just like you and I, but mentally and at heart they have lost their souls to the “monsterhood.” Well, they do have a code it seem and a TI alway looks at thinks from their own perspective. Wouldn’t you love to turn the tables on them and switch places and see how they handle the tumbles, falls, stolen health and broken bones for a change. I don’t think I would bother, but through them all on an island together with themselves and no profane to parasite off of. You see, they cannot survive together without a host to suck off of… they would eventually whither away until the very last blood-sucker was left. Low levels go first and then work their way up to the apex, then no more horror show.


  20. Stephen O Neill
    August 24, 2017

    TI till I die ,in Ireland


    • Monica
      September 1, 2017

      Hi, victim of harrasment in the UK. I don’t know exactly if they use V2K, but the harrasers use sleep depravation as a gun and/or to control mind. They introduce themselves as read minders. Looking for help anywhere…I can not get help in this country. Letters sent to Scotland Yard, British Secret Services and ICAACT did not help. Is there anybody/organisation that will be able to provide help in this situation???


  21. targetsunited
    September 5, 2017

    Hi i been a TI(in the UK) for 3 years since i moved into a new flat an refused to sleep with a neighbour. V2k tells me he was “powerful” an “knows the right people” so now ive had my thoughts and good feelings taken away because of it. They say theyve taken my human rights which i know they havent,as they cannot be taken, more like abusing them to the max, an theyre very confident about not getting caught..but we all know they will.something has to be done, we’re all innocent people getting tortured day in day out by psychopaths because they have money or ties to government or whatever. It is beyond corrupt it is evil. We need help


    • Monica
      September 5, 2017

      Hi Targetsunited, this is Monica. I live in the UK. I have posted a couple of comments as well as I feel miself harrassed as you. Considering that you know who is harrassing you, I’d like to meet your neighbour. I am foreign and British can not do much againt me!!!!
      In my case I don’t know who is harrassing me…

      May I ask your neighbours address, please??



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